- Channel geomorphology surveys
- Regional and reference ecogeomorphologhical analyses
- Two-dimensional HEC-RAS modeling
- Development of 100% adaptive management design plans
- Development of three-dimensional proposed surface terrains
- Development of ecogeomorphological specific in-channel structures
Ecology + Aquatic ResourcesHydrology + Water QualityWetland & Stream Restoration + Mitigation Banking
Dates: Swainsboro, Georgia
Channel adaptive management strategies were developed and implemented to reduce in-channel velocities and shear stress within a Georgia coastal plain channel system.
Due to instability observed in a channel system, NAI conducted geomorphic channel surveys and analysis, including two-dimensional HEC-RAS modeling, to develop an adaptive management strategy to stabilize the system. Design plans were developed that reduced in-channel velocities through the inclusion of large woody debris and re-development of the channel profile as needed.