Location: Hephzibah, Georgia

Nutter & Associates certified soil scientists performed a Level 3 soil survey of an 83-acre tract being developed as a residential subdivision in Richmond County, Georgia.

The detailed soil classification allowed the developer to maximize available land for home lots that could support individual onsite wastewater systems, enhancing the marketability of the development.

Nutter & Associates evaluated the site specific conditions of the tract with respect to the presence of bedrock, indicators of a seasonal water table, and soil suitability for onsite wastewater system.

Services Provided
  • Classified soil borings to the series level at an intensity of four soil observations per acre across the entire tract
  • A custom Level 3 soil survey map was produced that showed soil observation locations, the limits of the evaluation, existing site features (i.e., rills, gullies, streams, terraces), soil series and boundaries
  • The map also included percent slope, depth to restrictive soil layers, depth to seasonal high water tables, recommended system installation depth, absorption rate (i.e., percolation rate), and the applicable suitability code for each soil series encountered

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