Client: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Location: Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Mississippi

Nutter & Associates implemented a five-year ecological assessment for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service targeted at assessing vegetative and wildlife (birds) response to land management activities. Vegetation and wildlife inventories were completed across a variety of coastal habitats.

Services Provided

Nutter & Associates provided the following services over the five year project:

  • Established long-term monitoring plots.
  • Inventoried 202 vegetative species as a part of spring and autumn monitoring.
  • Conducted avian surveys during winter and spring to identify target species.
  • Provided data and statistical analyses to support land management activities.

Pine flatwoods at Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi. (image 1/2)

Pine flatwoods at Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi.

Data graphic of vegetation inventory at the Grand Bay Habitat Restoration. (image 2/2)

Data graphic of vegetation inventory at the Grand Bay Habitat Restoration.

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